The Republic of Tajikistan is the mos vulnerable country to climate change. A combination of floods, landslides, mudslides and droughts are threatening the country’s infrastructure and food security. Despite having plenty of surface water resources, some parts of the country experience water scarcity during the dry season. The “Roads for Water” team assessed the challenges and opportunities to combine road and water management in Tajikistan and have more resilient roads and road water environments. These are the workshop presentations, both in English and Russian:
1.Making Roads Work for Water Management_English
1.Making Roads Work for Water Management_Russian
2. The Need to Combine Road and Water Management in Tajikistan_English
2. The Need to Combine Road and Water Management in Tajikistan_Russian
3. Resilient roads resilient road water environments_English
3. Resilient roads resilient road water environments_Russian
4. Bio-engineering in Tajikistan_Tajik