Evaluating the potential of road rain water harvesting in Yemen: A case study of the Maghrabah Manakah Bab Bahil Road, Sana’a Governorate

MSc Theis submitted by Mohammed A. Al–Abyadh. Read the full thesis on this RRWH Master Thesis “M. Abyadh”


Farmers and people living in Manakah area are suffering from water scarcity and limited
water resources. The objective of this research is to optimize the benefits of water
harvesting from roads for the local communities in socio-economic development (water
storage volume and the beneficial reuse of it). This is focusing on the road of Maghrabah
Manakah Bab Bahil Road (non-asphalt road under construction, with length of about 36
km) and the linked rural feeder road Jabal Ekbari and Jabal Awi road (rural feeder road
stone paved in critical sections with total length of around 16 km) Sana’a Governorate.
Also, it discussed the role of geometric design of the road to enhance water harvesting
from the road.
The research found out that the farmers benefits of Road Rain Water Harvesting (RRWH)
are increasing of the water availability for groundwater recharge, supplementary irrigation
and cover needs in dry season. The research come up with the fact that road construction
from farmers point of view may affect farm flooding which cause farm gullies and delivery
debris and sediments as well as change of farm level.
On the other hand, road engineers’ awareness on the concept of water harvesting and water
for irrigation from road surface and road structures was not considered by most of the road
engineers unless they were requested by farmers.
The research concluded that the main road catchment yield is affected by the natural road
catchment, the culverts catchments, and the road surface geometric properties. Moreover,
the estimated potential RRWH quantity from the whole main road through natural
catchment is (1,662,729.25 m3).

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Last modified: June 11, 2019