A visual journey on how GR4W supports millions of Ethiopians (by GRP)

All the Green Roads for Water activities that took place in Ethiopia since 2015 were supported by the Global Resilience Partnership (GRP) under the project ” New Roads for Resilience: Connecting Roads, Water and Livelihoods” (2015-2018) and its upscale phase (2019). This project has been implemented by MetaMeta, Mekelle University, and Ethiopian Government and it has enabled farmers to use water from roads that previously would cause flood damage, by intercepting the water and guiding it to recharge areas, surface storage places or distributing it over farmland. The project has brought together government stakeholders from the agriculture, water and roads sectors and used extensive training of trainers to scale its approach and benefit millions of people in Ethiopia’s Amhara and Tigray regions.

After the successful completion of the project, at the end of February 2020, MetaMeta organized a 3-days field trip to show to the GRP Design and Impact Lead the GR4W implementations in northern Ethiopia. By doing so, the GRP Design and Impact Lead had the opportunity not only to observe the RWH structures that have been constructed but also to hear many stories from the local people in each region evidencing the benefits of road water harvesting.

Please access the blog that GRP published on the benefits of GR4W in Nothern Ethiopia here.


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Last modified: May 12, 2020