The Roads for Water (RfW) project has been implemented by Meta Meta (MM) with Mekelle University (MU), together with regional and federal government organizations in Ethiopia since 2014. It has enabled farmers to use water from roads that previously would likely cause flood damage, by intercepting the water and guiding it to recharge areas, surface storage places or directly onto pieces of land. The project has brought together government stakeholders from the agriculture, water and roads sectors and used extensive training of trainers to enable government to scale this approach to millions of farmers in Tigray, Amhara and Oromia.
RfW began as a catalyst research project in 2014 in Tigray region with the UK’s National Engineering Research Council (NERC) funding, was further partially supported by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)–WOTRO Science for Global Development in Tigray region with scaling supported by the Global Resilience Partnership (GRP) from 2015 in different parts of Ethiopia.
The purpose of the study was to (1) verify the evidence used to report on key GRP indicators, and (2) strengthen project cost–benefit analysis (CBA). This case study report addresses these
tasks. The study can be accessed on this GRP-CBA Case Study FINAL
Last modified: January 14, 2019