Overcoming dry spells with flood based farming systems in Malawi

The Rainwater Harvesting Association of Malawi (RHAM) in collaboration with the Land Resource Conservation Department under the Ministry Of Agriculture Irrigation and Water Development (MOAIWD) organised a field day on 29th of January 2018 in Mitundu Extension Planning Area (EPA), Lilongwe, Central Malawi. The field day was aimed at letting farmers appreciate the crop stand under different in-situ water harvesting technologies promoted by the association under the programme entitled “Asia to Africa; Testing the Adaptability of Flood Based Resource Management” in collaboration with Flood Based Livelihood Network (FBLN) and MetaMeta in the Netherlands. The outcomes of the field visit can be found on this report: Over coming Dryspells with Flood Based Farming Systems

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Last modified: February 5, 2018