Handouts and presentations

PMI Learning event – Green Roads for Water: Supporting and Financing Green Development of Smallholder Farmers and Producers

The Learning Event on Green Roads for Water took place on Monday 26th of June and was attended by more than 100 participants.

This event was organized by International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Sustainable Production, Marketing and Institutions Division (PMI), Water and Rural Infrastructure Desk. The event was attended by a diverse group of more than 100 participants consisting of IFAD professional staff serving country operations, PMD country teams, SKD specialists but also government officials, projects, and P/FOs, and representatives of climate financiers.

The objective of the event was to introduce the Green Roads for Water (GR4W) approach, provide real-life examples from implementing GR4W in Ethiopia and Kenya and initiate an interactive dialogue on what to do, what to avoid and how to incorporate GR4W in IFAD projects.

The schedule of the event is presented below:

10 minutesOpening remarks  

  • Thouraya Triki, Director PMI, IFAD
  • Nicolas Peltier-Thiberge, Global Director for the Transport Sector in the Infrastructure Practice Group of the World Bank
25 minutesPresentation of GR4W

  • Presentation by the GR4W Guidelines’ authors (20 minutes)
  • Comments by field staff who experienced implementation of GR4W (two guests 5 minutes each, Michael Maluki, Kenya and Getachew Engdayu, Ethiopia)
35 minutesQ&A session and responses from the presenters

  • Questions and comments from the floor (25 minutes)
  • Response from presenters (10 minutes)
5 minutesWrap up & closing

The wrap up and closing session summarized the main issues raised by the panellists, the presenters and the floor including most relevant lessons learned. The session then advanced by looking at how IFAD can partner with DPs, governments and the private sector to mobilize resources to promote the concept of GR4W in IFAD programs and projects, in particular at the scale of smallholders.



Detailed information about the event objectives, schedule and intended outcomes can be found here. A brochure for the event can be found here.

Below you can find the Learning Event presentations:

Click the link below to access the video recording of the Learning Event: